Monday, February 28, 2011
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Saturday, February 26, 2011
Consent Letter Of Car Accident Settlement

The Plaza had this aspect in the mid-twentieth century.
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Formerly there was also a lamppost in the middle of the Plaza. ------------------------------------------

old also pictured with a group of people in front of the apse. ----------------------------------------------

The church was surrounded by a fence, except in the apse and in the header. ----------------------------------------------

Appearance offered by the old clock tower and the house of the Central Bank on the Plaza. ----------------------------------------------
cars parked in the Plaza de Santa María at any time of day and night. ----------------------------------------------
is the central point of this nerve city, which was considered villa until 1929. With the name of Santa Maria is already from the fourteenth century (there are documents that confirm it.) Of course also in the current or street level. And precisely called for being in it as part of their environment and as an outstanding monument, the church called Santa Maria del Quicksilver, BIC declared since 1931.
During the Second Republic was called the Place d'Luis de Serve in memory of this Republican journalist murdered in 1935. And in 1936 was renamed Plaza de Calvo Sotelo, also in memory of who was Conservative MP and royalist party leader, murdered in July of this year.
When referring to the Church of Santa Maria want to see the importance of this monument. But there were other buildings in the environment that helped to give the place an appearance of more age and beauty. Images we show tell us about it and the lifestyle and customs in the past.
Both the square and the church are to the west of the city, at the end of La Rua. But apart from this road are several more that come together in this place and if we stick to the street plan approved in 2004 are as follows: Calle de los Herreros, Francos street, street of Santo Domingo, Calle Jesús García Muñoz. And on the north side joins the Plaza de la Madera.
as a hub and confluence of streets, for her many people pass daily to work and fun are as close to banks, shops, bars and cafes. And walk, the way to the gardens of La Mota or elsewhere.
All the fame and beauty of the place will be given by the existence of the aforementioned church, a church that continues to be an important milestone in the town. Many people, especially strangers who come to the plaza from the street La Rua, the Smiths, Santo Domingo and the Franks, show a great surprise and admiration at the sight of the monument apses. Last but not least, to see the south gate and the Lamb, if they do it from the streets or Jesus Santo Domingo García Muñoz. Also on the door north, accessed from the Place de la Madera.
Effectively what you see is the header with five apses and tower. The apses are of decreasing size from the center outwards. In the central apse, four columns are based on the ground and reach the ledge dividing it into three blocks each of which has a window. The other four divisions are not only have a window. Don very simple fascia divided into three horizontal zones three central apse and one fascia divided into two areas side apses.
The windows are splayed. The central apse are three archivolts. Those of the side apses, which are not identical nor in form or size, are layered one on each side column. In an older image is a window with bars in the central apse.
The South Gate or midday is the most beautiful of all the sculptural decoration you have. Columns, capitals, decorated archivolts especially the eardrum, whose main theme is the Agnus Dei or Lamb mystic, holding the cross with one of his legs in a circle. He is surrounded by four angels funeral.
On the north side of the church there is another door, not as important as the previous one, but is also decorated with columns and capitals vegetables.
In 2008 we completed a new restoration of the monument by the Heritage Foundation and the Junta de Castilla y León, with the assistance of the City and Parish, and since then has renovated, outside the apse, transept and north side, inside the sacristy and the important plasterwork ceiling. This has contributed to embellish more and produce even more admiration.
For other buildings around and around the square, although they were of brick, highlighted by the type of construction and decoration. Some were destroyed long ago, giving way to new construction, rather than those that existed. An example is the houses of the Ajero Bobillo, on the west side, and the Central Bank in the east. But others in the square little or no resemblance, either in height or the type of construction and decoration as they were built, as seen in the images. All this leads us to think about the need to value and respect due the urban and architectural heritage.
Over the years, the square has also been undergoing changes and even changes in your furniture, because in the middle of it there was a news stand in the same place where previously there was a lamppost. There are also pictures of the celebration of markets for animals, especially donkeys and mules.
was always the place of meeting space and public gatherings, political and not political. And cultural events, as at present concerts that are held primarily in the summer months. And sitting on the benches installed recently, many people, young and old, spend their time in animated chats.
Today the plaza is still the most important landmark of the city and her many people pass daily. But too many cars, creating some disorder and confusion among the public and passers by. Also occurs because the cars, not just continually pass through the square, but there remain parked for much of the day and night, preventing the passage and the promenade of the citizens, and authorized or emergency vehicles. And if this situation bothers the neighbors, much to outsiders coming to town and are approaching the square to visit the most important monument, the church of Santa Maria del Quicksilver. It is time to regulate the traffic and take the situation seriously, to show and prove to everyone, neighbors or neighbors who live in a city, although small, in which citizens are respected and also heritage.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Places That Have Good Dresses

A Camarzana the people of the Tera River valley in the background.
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Detail of one of Roman mosaics discovered in the excavation. ----------------------------------------------

The environment of the chapel of the Trinity Camarzana of Tera. ----------------------------------------------
Camarzana is one of the largest municipalities in the region of Los Valles within the judicial district of Benavente. Situated in the valley of the river Tera, City Hall is the head of which also belong Santa Marta de Tera Cabañas, San Juanico with the New. His name is completed with the place name of the river, like many other villages in the valley. It sits on a plain near a hill or plateau, about thirty feet high, located to the northwest and we all know and call the Castro. And in this place there was a fort of Iron Age I, as denoted by the findings in the same: barquiformes mills, ceramic thick and smooth, varied axes, etc. Later the Romans preferred
the plain, in the meadow, and nearer the River. His pace and stay in this locality as belonging findings also reveal this time, to build the road from Benavente to Mombuey: remains of mosaics in various places, ceramics, capitals, bronze and iron figurines, some silver coins, etc.. And two years ago, to make the foundation for the construction of a building housing a pavement was also discovered along with other debris musivario: a column, part of a column, etc.. This corresponds to a late Roman villa (third or fourth century AD). The excavation carried out has shown the importance of the site, so it was necessary to take measures for the restoration and conservation of the site. And this has been done, to be declared the site as BIC (Cultural Property).
not forget that not far from Camarzana, especially between Calzada and Calzadilla, there was a Roman bridge over the river Tera, necessary bridge to the road from Asturica Augusta (Astorga) was going to Bracara Augusta (Braga), in Portugal. It had to be here and not elsewhere, as in the vicinity are the remains of the old road, floor slabs, rocks, stones, etc., And settled villas also nearby, as would be the same for Camarzana. Camarzana
also had importance in medieval times when we believe in the statements of a historian who said that close to, or in the same fort, in the tenth century was built a monastery dedicated to San Miguel, which goes to build the Santa Marta. Have also been found at the site remains of this era.
The local church, especially the apses, are a clear demonstration of their age. Near it are also preserved some mud and adobe houses, with wooden gallery. In the rest of the people, much of the old buildings have been replaced by modern houses of brick, concrete and some stone.
Camarzana is one of the towns in this province, of this region and this valley, it progresses, it continues, and in which, albeit slowly, population becomes established. Life and it shows a citizens' movement, led by schools, the existing stores, some factories sausages, spirits and liqueurs, etc., bars and restaurants are also indicative of the progress of a people or a city. There are also Civil Guard barracks, the residence of Senior Citizens, etc.
Furthermore, the proximity of the river and the good condition of its waters, has made it possible for citizens to have a wide and comfortable area for swimming and other entertainment. They also attract people from other villages nearby, not so close to the river and not have this type of service. Camarzana Because, as I noted above, is a center of services: health, education, commercial and public holidays, for a set of nearby villages of the plain of Tera: Santa Marta, Santa Croy, Calzada, Calzadilla, Olleros, Vega, Junquera, and others from the valley through which the stream passes Regato: Cabanas de Tera, San Juanico el Nuevo, San Pedro de ceque, etc.
All these people come to Camarzana, in many cases, to solve certain problems. Also in the festivals held throughout the year, as some have a sense not only local, as with Águedas, on February 5. Christmas is very famous for the Bethlehem movement that has installed several years in a local City Council and has been visited by many people. Also celebrate Carnival, more than elsewhere, and the Trinity Corpus, etc.
To access the village from Benavente was passed by an old bridge (today has been built and another) on the above Regato stream, whose waters, most abundant in winter than in summer, reaching the Tera near Santa Croy. This small stream runs through a wide valley between mountains and hillsides rather than by a rich and fertile plain, from the North, back in the mountains close to one of Quintana and Ayoo of Vidriales, where it has its origin. The output
Camarzana to Benavente we find the hermitage of La Trinidad, whose main festival and procession is held the first Sunday in June. The small and very simply has a gable with a window that is placed the hood. Highlights the place where it is located, because it has wide poplar able to receive under its shade to all pilgrims who come on the day of the celebration. The shrine is hidden among the poplars. Come to it and check it.
We must emphasize here the importance of the site location and Roman archaeological remains found recently, but without forgetting the Castro, which is also declared BIC, with archaeological zone category from April 7, 1994. Only an excavation was conducted in 1985 and since then has devoted little attention is. Although there are several forts in this region of Valles Benavente and belonging I or II to the Iron Age and inhabited for centuries VII to III a. C., that of Camarzana is different and deserves special attention.
However, until appropriate management or who are involved in it, you should hedge or fence in the fort, so that was more secure. And if one day you are excavating, whose findings could visit, would the good of the town and the entire region. Citizens surprised at the significant and valuable remains which contain deposits of this type. Because Castro also need protection. Constitute the oldest evidence we have of the lifestyle and customs of the people that inhabited them, and were the ancestors of the Romans.
Al artistic or archaeological attraction that offers Camarzana, add also the landscape. You climb to the plateau on which is the Castro and will enjoy a beautiful landscape, the rich and fertile plain of the River Tera. From there you will see several people, abundant poplar, green fields planted, cultivation of orchards, and oak forests of the mountains further away from the place.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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Monday, February 21, 2011
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Thursday, February 17, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
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Saturday, February 12, 2011
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011
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Meeting on Friday, February 4, 2011, the jury Amalia Iglesias, Ada Salas and Jordi Doce, and acting as secretaries, with voice but without vote, Tacha Romero y Julieta Valero decided to award the prize to a book entitled Scraps, escrow which, once opened, corresponded to the poet Sonia Bueno. Sonia Bueno
(Melilla, 1976) studied English Philology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, drama, dance and video production, and a BA in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature. Travelling is part of poetry collective Drunk Lavarca. Scraps his first book published.
The jury unanimously awarded Scraps, wanted to emphasize its strength, consistency, and the end of your bet, which is inserted in the tradition of honor, intertextuality and dialogue with other poetic contemporary next.
The choice of the lexical and semantic backbone of the book also links it conceptually mythical references as those of Penelope and Ariadne. Sensory and reflective influences themes as identity, the fragility, the weight of consciousness and the place of being in the world.
jury also like to congratulate the finalists of this competition:
-Itineraries-Still Life-Zoo
-coded On-Removals
-miss all-Autocosmos
-drawing the names of the streets
"The effect Berceuse
This first edition of the International Youth Poetry Award, which has been made possible thanks to support from the Municipal Land and Housing Getafe (EMSV), has had an extraordinary turnout of 360 original sent from various parts of the world.
The winning book will be presented March 20 at the Teatro Municipal de Getafe Federico García Lorca within the celebration of World Poetry Day.
Monday, February 7, 2011
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In the next session of "The Eye in the lock" will be attended by Nuria Ruiz de Viñaspre with the theme "Dissection", around his latest book butcher tables. Wednesday, February 9, 21h, bar Strike (c / Zurita 39). Then a small Incoming
Dying know
eaten by other mouths
but not avert their gaze when they look sad
captivated a train pass
that halves the World in a slow rain
how melancholy is the look
from a cow that does not run!
looks so much like the look of a child ...
Nuria Ruiz de Viñaspre