Vara used by the Company Virgen de la Vega de Benavente. ---------------------------------------------
Managers of the Company or Association, authorities and partners, during the celebration of Holy Mass in the church of Santa Maria del Azogue de Benavente. (Year 2008)
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I published this article in La Voz de Benavente and Shire on April 5, 2008, days after the party has been concluded. ---------------------------------
'In the village of Benavente to January 18 in 1925, met in the theater in this town, at half past ten, two hundred sixty individuals and agreed "by acclamation" (sic), the constitution of the Mutual Aid Society "La Virgen de la Vega. " The meeting also approved the regulation were to be governed "in all its articles" and chose "secret ballot" his first Board of Directors. "
Thus says the foundation charter, signed by the Chairman and Secretary elected therein. With her are four Mutual Aid Societies with which the city had formerly Benavente. Three founded in the nineteenth century: The Gardeners or the San Miguel, the carpenter's or San Jose and the Tanners and Shoemakers or St. Crispin, and one already in the twentieth century, the Virgin of Vega, whom I am speaking on this occasion.
is a fact that in the nineteenth century, with the implementation of the liberal system, gradually disappeared many fraternities and encouraged humanitarian purposes and exercising these were left without financial support, which made these new societies arise Mutual Assistance, which placed under the patronage of a saint or a virgin.
Sunday March 30 (2008) held its annual festival of Virgen de la Vega Company: "We always do the day before Veguilla, patron saint of Benavente, who is also our landlady, I said its President D. José María Rodríguez. And we, more or less the same rules of procedure adopted at that time, but what we would otherwise, according to the present day. We continue to meet, especially in regard to deaths and funeral assistance to partners. "
The truth is that this type of company focused its activities in aid primarily in times of illness or death partners. And is that the situation was different. There less protection and the needs were great.
To avoid deception and unfairness in the performance of the Company, we legislate to the smallest detail. Specifically for membership, plus be "citizen of the town, it must demonstrate through voluntary certification, which is in good health and have always observed good conduct" (Art. 3, 1,2,3).
And as for the rights and obligations of members reads as follows in its old rules:
If disease was showered with the sum of three pesetas a day from the day that the President had news to end it. ( Section 9, 1). In
case of death of partner, will be given to the widow, children or parents of the deceased the sum of fifty pesetas ... (Art. 9 º, 2 )
will be required to accompany partners in two rows and order and devotion to the cemetery the remains of the deceased partner, wife or mother, if she were unmarried. (Art. 9, 3).
not be relieved any partner who suffer diseases that could be called voluntary have originated in the vice ... (Article 9, 4). Nobody
received relief if he had not paid its share. And for non-compliers had fines or gave low in society. In addition to the person appointments, nine vocal charge of monitoring and enforcing the provisions in the regulations.
One of them, at present, and for over 25 years, Faustino Huerta González, who is in charge of collecting the fee and to inform members of the press releases of the Directive. Faustino is well known for many benaventanos therefore also belong to this society, of San Jose and San Miguel. And until not long ago was also from the St. Crispin. It is not unusual to see him go through streets and plazas of the city with his briefcase in hand, full of bills, and get closer to the homes where one partner lives of those companies to collect the fee. Fulfill its mission perfectly and managers thank you for your work.
At 12 pm on Sunday members and guests attending Mass in the church of Santa Maria del Quicksilver. Some charges carry the poles with the logo of the Virgin, whose image is on a nearby altar. The priest in his homily reminded the party and stressed its conclusion, precisely on Sunday, that if he was already a special day in other religions, and Roman ( dies Solis - day of the Sun), or Jewish, much it is more Christianity, to call it the Lord's day (dies Domini - dominicum ), and considered not only as a day off man, but also a day to enhance the spiritual values of brotherhood, harmony and unity among all participating in community events in the church as it does this company around its Virgen de la Vega, which, by their small size, affectionately known to everyone Veguilla.
order not to miss the tradition, after the Mass, partners, relatives, friends and guests gathered around a table in a restaurant as a meal for a snack, talk, and in short to spend another moment of conviviality together. So they always have done so and so will continue their successors and belonging to the Company. And that is the ultimate reason for the existence and creation of the old Friendly Societies was none other than mutual aid, assistance, and coexistence.
Despite the progress and economic and social changes which we live, you need to promote events and moments like these. Hopefully, new partners, and younger, continue appreciating, respecting and celebrating the traditions of their elders.
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I published this article in La Voz de Benavente and Shire on April 5, 2008, days after the party has been concluded. ---------------------------------
'In the village of Benavente to January 18 in 1925, met in the theater in this town, at half past ten, two hundred sixty individuals and agreed "by acclamation" (sic), the constitution of the Mutual Aid Society "La Virgen de la Vega. " The meeting also approved the regulation were to be governed "in all its articles" and chose "secret ballot" his first Board of Directors. "
Thus says the foundation charter, signed by the Chairman and Secretary elected therein. With her are four Mutual Aid Societies with which the city had formerly Benavente. Three founded in the nineteenth century: The Gardeners or the San Miguel, the carpenter's or San Jose and the Tanners and Shoemakers or St. Crispin, and one already in the twentieth century, the Virgin of Vega, whom I am speaking on this occasion.
is a fact that in the nineteenth century, with the implementation of the liberal system, gradually disappeared many fraternities and encouraged humanitarian purposes and exercising these were left without financial support, which made these new societies arise Mutual Assistance, which placed under the patronage of a saint or a virgin.
Sunday March 30 (2008) held its annual festival of Virgen de la Vega Company: "We always do the day before Veguilla, patron saint of Benavente, who is also our landlady, I said its President D. José María Rodríguez. And we, more or less the same rules of procedure adopted at that time, but what we would otherwise, according to the present day. We continue to meet, especially in regard to deaths and funeral assistance to partners. "
The truth is that this type of company focused its activities in aid primarily in times of illness or death partners. And is that the situation was different. There less protection and the needs were great.
To avoid deception and unfairness in the performance of the Company, we legislate to the smallest detail. Specifically for membership, plus be "citizen of the town, it must demonstrate through voluntary certification, which is in good health and have always observed good conduct" (Art. 3, 1,2,3).
And as for the rights and obligations of members reads as follows in its old rules:
If disease was showered with the sum of three pesetas a day from the day that the President had news to end it. ( Section 9, 1). In
case of death of partner, will be given to the widow, children or parents of the deceased the sum of fifty pesetas ... (Art. 9 º, 2 )
will be required to accompany partners in two rows and order and devotion to the cemetery the remains of the deceased partner, wife or mother, if she were unmarried. (Art. 9, 3).
not be relieved any partner who suffer diseases that could be called voluntary have originated in the vice ... (Article 9, 4). Nobody
received relief if he had not paid its share. And for non-compliers had fines or gave low in society. In addition to the person appointments, nine vocal charge of monitoring and enforcing the provisions in the regulations.
One of them, at present, and for over 25 years, Faustino Huerta González, who is in charge of collecting the fee and to inform members of the press releases of the Directive. Faustino is well known for many benaventanos therefore also belong to this society, of San Jose and San Miguel. And until not long ago was also from the St. Crispin. It is not unusual to see him go through streets and plazas of the city with his briefcase in hand, full of bills, and get closer to the homes where one partner lives of those companies to collect the fee. Fulfill its mission perfectly and managers thank you for your work.
At 12 pm on Sunday members and guests attending Mass in the church of Santa Maria del Quicksilver. Some charges carry the poles with the logo of the Virgin, whose image is on a nearby altar. The priest in his homily reminded the party and stressed its conclusion, precisely on Sunday, that if he was already a special day in other religions, and Roman ( dies Solis - day of the Sun), or Jewish, much it is more Christianity, to call it the Lord's day (dies Domini - dominicum ), and considered not only as a day off man, but also a day to enhance the spiritual values of brotherhood, harmony and unity among all participating in community events in the church as it does this company around its Virgen de la Vega, which, by their small size, affectionately known to everyone Veguilla.
order not to miss the tradition, after the Mass, partners, relatives, friends and guests gathered around a table in a restaurant as a meal for a snack, talk, and in short to spend another moment of conviviality together. So they always have done so and so will continue their successors and belonging to the Company. And that is the ultimate reason for the existence and creation of the old Friendly Societies was none other than mutual aid, assistance, and coexistence.
Despite the progress and economic and social changes which we live, you need to promote events and moments like these. Hopefully, new partners, and younger, continue appreciating, respecting and celebrating the traditions of their elders.
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