San Jose. Castrogonzalo Church.

risen Christ. Painting in the church of San Juan del Mercado in Benavente. -----------------------------------------

Image of the Risen Christ in the central altar of the church of Santa Maria del Azogue de Benavente. -------------------------------------------
This month begins the spring and with it most of the plants growing awakened from sleep in which he has been during the winter. Work in the garden and fields is much higher. We must stop pruning, transplants, pay, caring for crops and trees begin to destroy weeds and fight disease, including things. Nature gradually changes color.
Respect the weather, usually a windy month, as well the proverb says: March windy and rainy April, bring to May flowers. But months of rain that, in general, are beneficial for crops. Among the highlights holy
San Jose (day19), the husband of Mary and foster father of Jesus. Around him were created many fraternities and legends. A San Jose come and remember him for farmers to get their day. And the artisans and carpenters, that this is their pattern.
Easter falls a few years in this month (not so in the present) and among its highlights holidays Easter which, being very important holiday, has many sayings, some of which we mention here.
Other saints are: St. Raymond (day 5), Ambrose (20) and San Benito (21), without forgetting the Annunciation and Incarnation of Our Lady is celebrated on 25.
Sometimes there are many existing variants of the same refrain about a saint or a holiday, depending on location, area or region where it is used. And that is the most popular sayings are building and how it is spread further knowledge and oral tradition.
Here is a selection of those who refer the saints of the month and especially the feast of Easter or Easter, with many different proverbs, sayings and popular expressions. Ramos
With wet calve cars.
carnival in the plaza, Easter at home.
Communion at Easter.
When Easter falls in March, will strike the devil.
From Easter to Ramos.
After Easter. or raisins, or figs, or sermon.
Being one as a lark.
Christmas Easter in the sun and cold, good loaf of rye and wheat improvement.
central participants Easter, Passover bona: the surplus to my wife, both donated, easter flowers, easter bad: the surplus to my wife, both care. Easter
desired, soon pass.
Easter in March, or hunger or death.
Easter in March, a sign of bad year. Easter
enmarzá, or hunger or death. Easter
framed (framed, to be held on the day of San Marcos, April 25), death or sterility. Easter
Marzal, hunger, war or death. Easter
Marzales, famines or mortalities. Easter
Marzales, hungry or death. Easter
Marcelina, ravenous hunger. Easter
Marzal mortal misery. Easter
Marzal, or too good or too bad. Easter
Marzal little grass and less bread. Easter
wet few oblate; Easter spandrels, or few or many.
Easter snow in spring galas. Easter
last Tuesday at home.
For Resurrection, nor is it, or fig, or sermon. Ramos
wet Saints (1 November) soaking wet. Resurrection
rainy harvest fortunate.
Easter Saturday, pass along the ember.
"Holy Easter," said the priest, for tasting from the offal.
Saints (1 November) wet, Ramos watered. Easter
If it rains a lot, wear the happy farmer.
For San Gil (September 1) prepares the lamp, and starts to watch; and Easter flowers, turn them off again. Sermon
and salmon, are not for Easter time.
If it does, to Shrovetide, if not, whether for Easter Florida. San Raimundo -------------------------
swallow brings another world. ------------------------
The Cuckoo, San Jose gives speech and San Pedro (June 29) takes it away.
Mary's husband makes the night like day.
For San Jose, the frogs are starting to see.
For San Jose, you Garbanzal, neither born nor to sow.
For San Jose, or born or unborn (chickpeas). For San Jose blessed
partridge makes its nest.
St. Joseph, husband of Mary, makes the night like day.
San Francisco (October 4) brings the candle and San Jose the lead. ---------------------------
When Ambrose sees snow, there is cold to eighteen. When St. Ambrose
seen snow, no cold for twenty days. -----------------------------
For San Benito, drew the ladies fan. ----------------------------
Trees that are in flower, the sudden yourselves from the Incarnation.
The ice of the Incarnation, the latter are, if it does not zappy March.
On the Incarnation, the last ice are.
By the Incarnation the last ice are, if not out zappy year.
Respect the weather, usually a windy month, as well the proverb says: March windy and rainy April, bring to May flowers. But months of rain that, in general, are beneficial for crops. Among the highlights holy
San Jose (day19), the husband of Mary and foster father of Jesus. Around him were created many fraternities and legends. A San Jose come and remember him for farmers to get their day. And the artisans and carpenters, that this is their pattern.
Easter falls a few years in this month (not so in the present) and among its highlights holidays Easter which, being very important holiday, has many sayings, some of which we mention here.
Other saints are: St. Raymond (day 5), Ambrose (20) and San Benito (21), without forgetting the Annunciation and Incarnation of Our Lady is celebrated on 25.
Sometimes there are many existing variants of the same refrain about a saint or a holiday, depending on location, area or region where it is used. And that is the most popular sayings are building and how it is spread further knowledge and oral tradition.
Here is a selection of those who refer the saints of the month and especially the feast of Easter or Easter, with many different proverbs, sayings and popular expressions. Ramos
With wet calve cars.
carnival in the plaza, Easter at home.
Communion at Easter.
When Easter falls in March, will strike the devil.
From Easter to Ramos.
After Easter. or raisins, or figs, or sermon.
Being one as a lark.
Christmas Easter in the sun and cold, good loaf of rye and wheat improvement.
central participants Easter, Passover bona: the surplus to my wife, both donated, easter flowers, easter bad: the surplus to my wife, both care. Easter
desired, soon pass.
Easter in March, or hunger or death.
Easter in March, a sign of bad year. Easter
enmarzá, or hunger or death. Easter
framed (framed, to be held on the day of San Marcos, April 25), death or sterility. Easter
Marzal, hunger, war or death. Easter
Marzales, famines or mortalities. Easter
Marzales, hungry or death. Easter
Marcelina, ravenous hunger. Easter
Marzal mortal misery. Easter
Marzal, or too good or too bad. Easter
Marzal little grass and less bread. Easter
wet few oblate; Easter spandrels, or few or many.
Easter snow in spring galas. Easter
last Tuesday at home.
For Resurrection, nor is it, or fig, or sermon. Ramos
wet Saints (1 November) soaking wet. Resurrection
rainy harvest fortunate.
Easter Saturday, pass along the ember.
"Holy Easter," said the priest, for tasting from the offal.
Saints (1 November) wet, Ramos watered. Easter
If it rains a lot, wear the happy farmer.
For San Gil (September 1) prepares the lamp, and starts to watch; and Easter flowers, turn them off again. Sermon
and salmon, are not for Easter time.
If it does, to Shrovetide, if not, whether for Easter Florida. San Raimundo -------------------------
swallow brings another world. ------------------------
The Cuckoo, San Jose gives speech and San Pedro (June 29) takes it away.
Mary's husband makes the night like day.
For San Jose, the frogs are starting to see.
For San Jose, you Garbanzal, neither born nor to sow.
For San Jose, or born or unborn (chickpeas). For San Jose blessed
partridge makes its nest.
St. Joseph, husband of Mary, makes the night like day.
San Francisco (October 4) brings the candle and San Jose the lead. ---------------------------
When Ambrose sees snow, there is cold to eighteen. When St. Ambrose
seen snow, no cold for twenty days. -----------------------------
For San Benito, drew the ladies fan. ----------------------------
Trees that are in flower, the sudden yourselves from the Incarnation.
The ice of the Incarnation, the latter are, if it does not zappy March.
On the Incarnation, the last ice are.
By the Incarnation the last ice are, if not out zappy year.
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