Back of the staff of Butler. Guild Virgen del Carmen. Navianos of Valverde.
Front of the staff of the secretary. "El Carmen" Navianos of Valverde.
Back of the staff of the secretary. "El Carmen" of Navianos of Valverde.
Front of the rod or stick by the judge. Virgen de las Encinas Brotherhood of Abraveses of Tera.
Back of the rod as a judge. Guild Virgen de las Encinas. Tera Abraveses.
Front of the rod of one of the brakemen of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Tera Abraveses Encinas.
Back of the rod of a brakeman in the Confraternity of Our Lady of Abraveses Encinas.
Varas or clubs of the Brotherhood of St Blas Morales de Valverde. The size of auction of the Butler and secreatrio is greater than the rest of the brakemen. Images: San Blas on the front and back the souls in Purgatory.
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The rods used in the pilgrimage of the Virgen del Campo in Rosinos of Vidriales are small wooden images of great antiquity.
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In some villages in the Valles de Benavente case that board members or presidents of some guilds have different poles, according to the position bearing the same president or steward, judge, registrar, other members of management, or just the brothers. The distinction may be by size, or even the decor has the auction, the top of them. Navianos is the case of Valverde, the Confraternity of the Virgin of Carmen. They carry sticks or clubs, different in size, shape and even decorative, depending on whether the butler, secretary, or simple brakemen. And the same is true of Tera Abraveses in the brotherhood of the Virgen de las Encinas. Here are different in the closing yards, but only either by the size, the judge and the secretary. They have both raised the image of the Virgin on the front and a tree in the back. And, according to tradition or legend, the Virgin appeared with an oak of the mountain that was once in place, and where the chapel was built there today. The clubs that have the butler and secretary of the Brotherhood of St Blas Morales Valverde, although they have the same image painted on the front and the holy souls in torment on the back, are of greater size than those of other brakemen. There are sticks or clubs whose top is a small sculpture in wood. Thus we saw in the pilgrimage to the Virgen del Campo in Rosinos of Vidriales.
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