Interior Bretocino parish church. 2007.
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Water Mark, king of the pools ...
The priest, from the same church, blessed the fields and attending the celebration . The rain prevented the start of the procession. 2007.
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Water Mark, king of the pools ...
This is the beginning of a ballad rimilla or formerly recited by children and adults, to get the feast of San Marcos, April 25, and watch beginning to rain. And is that this saint is traditionally associated with rain, so frequent elsewhere in this month and which is so necessary for the field and the fields, and also for people. If rain is delayed, there was San Marcos, as intermediaries to God, so that through prayers, invocations or other rites, came, so we can irrigate the fields, fill the reservoirs and ponds and contribute to the maintenance of wells and springs.
The verses of the song read:
Water, San Marcos, king of the puddles.
triguito For me, it is very nice.
For me barley, that is already grenade.
To my melon, which already have flower.
To my vegetables, which is already mature.
In Roman antiquity, this month, also held a festival of magical, the Robigalia devoted to an agricultural deity, Robigo, which protected the wheat and other cereals. Now, many people are still maintaining around the feast of San Marcos, some ancient traditions, rituals related to agricultural and livestock products. And they make pilgrimages, prayers to bless the fields or other parties for this purpose.
People in the popular sayings, also remember the saint and his attentions: For San Marcos, water puddles, for San Marcos, melon, or born, nor sow fills San Marcos pools, Santa Rosa and Santa Lucia overflows (December 13) the empty . And so many others with the same subject having you as a protagonist. San Marcos
is one of the four evangelists. He was a disciple of St. Peter, who learned his lessons well. San Pablo also accompanied some of his travels. In his Gospel, the shortest of all, tells what he was told. Making a comparison with agriculture, we can say that sowed San Pedro, San Marcos watered, and so growing and plentiful adherents.
Martyred and died in Alexandria, where he was buried, until the year 829 the Venetians stole his remains and since that time, Venice is the main place of worship. He is represented
more with the robe and mantle of the Apostles with the garb of the Bishop of Alexandria. His attributes
main, as an evangelist, is the winged lion, along with the book of the Gospel. Also shown the pen and writing instruments, next to a scroll or book.
Notaries and clerks are the boss because he served as secretary of San Pedro. Besides he is considered the patron saint of shoemakers teachers, because the official is St. Crispin and the San Aniano cobblers.
In the popular religious tradition, at present, more frequent events on this holy month of April are supplications for rain if you have not arrived, or to ask the blessing of the fields, which are full effect in this time of spring.
There are many people who celebrate in Castile and Leon also some in the valleys. Specifically, Vidriales Bercianos to celebrate Mass and procession, blessing of fields, in Sog Brime formerly had a chapel dedicated to the saint, now only have a small image also taken out in procession to the fields, in Valverde held Mozar on this day what they call the blessing of the loaves and the Virgen del Rosario which removed to the outskirts of the village to bless the crops and ask him weather conditions are favorable, in the chapel of Christ Coombe de la Vega, is a picture of San Marcos. Have mass, procession and blessing field. In Morales del Rey this day is the equivalent tortillero Sunday, as the custom is to meet family or friends at home or in the holds of the people and enjoy tortillas, barbecue and other home-made products for the moment.
But among the peoples mentioned stresses the antiquity and solemnity of the acts, Bretocino. Here, before celebrating Mass the procession with the saint, but this year has not been possible because of rain has been falling throughout the day. The custom and tradition is that neighbors and strangers to accompany the saint to the outskirts of the village, where starting at the fields, not those in fallow (these will touch the following year.) There, San Marcos, through the priest blesses them.
On this occasion, and because of the rain (2007), the event was held at the church. After reading the biblical text (Gen. 1, 1-24), no lack of prayers, hymns or appropriate.
And from the same church blessing came, not only at the fields, trees and all plants, but their owners and growers, all present at the event.
Below is celebrated Mass in honor of the saint. The songs run by a group of seniors, accompanied by other participants, also higher. And, as I say, in Bretocino nearly 70 percent of the approximately 300 people are people and the elderly. But it is more and better live their party and want not to relax and regain the strength he had before.
The priest, in his homily, he reminded the saint and his Gospel, the shortest, but also the original. And among other things says ... "Today we could not or have had need to get the saint, but there you have the expected water. San Marcos has attended. Saved sprinklers, motors and hoses for a season. The water has come in time. But we must keep remembering him in our prayers. "
seems that once had more party, as well the population was larger. And there were plenty of musicians who accompanied them in the various events. And the procession was longer, even went on roads near the fields, beyond the village. And in the evening a dance was held ... and more outsiders come .... And there was more animation ...
This year the neighbors feel that their saint has not seen or brought closer to the Vega and other crops, as ever. But, nevertheless, have held the party, attending Mass and receiving his blessing. And then at home, it is also history and tradition that food is made with the family, and dessert, in any house miss the rice pudding. Simeon
Gago, a retired which, although not born in Bretocino, has lived in town 47 years, I consider the following: "The rice pudding is as old as the party. Before everyone had sheep, cows or goats, and this was an appropriate time for milk production. If anyone did not have animals, others the gifts on this day. The thing is that no house should be left to eat. And each had its rice, according to him, though, more or less, match the ingredients and how to prepare it. But there is always a final touch, which is usually different. "
Simeon knows well all that is needed for it, because they've seen it many times to his wife, who is a great cook. Ingredients: milk, rice, sugar, cinnamon and orange peel, and good hand. And to me that in one-liter glasses of milk every two you take a cup of rice and about half a kilo of sugar, although this depends on what you more or less sweet, because there are very greedy. It puts everything to cook with orange peel and let thicken, until it is ready.
Herein lies the whole mystery, Simeon repeats, but not forgetting the hand of the cook, who will handle the cooking time and rest. Typically
prepare the eve of the feast, rice is rested and fit better, but also could do the day of San Marcos. Today
continue to do so in every house, and although the town has not many sheep, goats or cows, they lack milk, and good, even bottled and properly treated.
The procession and Mass in San Marcos, the family meal and rice pudding sufficient ingredients Bretocino's neighbors do not forget this event and concluded that their ancestors and they want to continue to hold also in the future. And that is rooted traditions are hard to forget.
The verses of the song read:
Water, San Marcos, king of the puddles.
triguito For me, it is very nice.
For me barley, that is already grenade.
To my melon, which already have flower.
To my vegetables, which is already mature.
In Roman antiquity, this month, also held a festival of magical, the Robigalia devoted to an agricultural deity, Robigo, which protected the wheat and other cereals. Now, many people are still maintaining around the feast of San Marcos, some ancient traditions, rituals related to agricultural and livestock products. And they make pilgrimages, prayers to bless the fields or other parties for this purpose.
People in the popular sayings, also remember the saint and his attentions: For San Marcos, water puddles, for San Marcos, melon, or born, nor sow fills San Marcos pools, Santa Rosa and Santa Lucia overflows (December 13) the empty . And so many others with the same subject having you as a protagonist. San Marcos
is one of the four evangelists. He was a disciple of St. Peter, who learned his lessons well. San Pablo also accompanied some of his travels. In his Gospel, the shortest of all, tells what he was told. Making a comparison with agriculture, we can say that sowed San Pedro, San Marcos watered, and so growing and plentiful adherents.
Martyred and died in Alexandria, where he was buried, until the year 829 the Venetians stole his remains and since that time, Venice is the main place of worship. He is represented
more with the robe and mantle of the Apostles with the garb of the Bishop of Alexandria. His attributes
main, as an evangelist, is the winged lion, along with the book of the Gospel. Also shown the pen and writing instruments, next to a scroll or book.
Notaries and clerks are the boss because he served as secretary of San Pedro. Besides he is considered the patron saint of shoemakers teachers, because the official is St. Crispin and the San Aniano cobblers.
In the popular religious tradition, at present, more frequent events on this holy month of April are supplications for rain if you have not arrived, or to ask the blessing of the fields, which are full effect in this time of spring.
There are many people who celebrate in Castile and Leon also some in the valleys. Specifically, Vidriales Bercianos to celebrate Mass and procession, blessing of fields, in Sog Brime formerly had a chapel dedicated to the saint, now only have a small image also taken out in procession to the fields, in Valverde held Mozar on this day what they call the blessing of the loaves and the Virgen del Rosario which removed to the outskirts of the village to bless the crops and ask him weather conditions are favorable, in the chapel of Christ Coombe de la Vega, is a picture of San Marcos. Have mass, procession and blessing field. In Morales del Rey this day is the equivalent tortillero Sunday, as the custom is to meet family or friends at home or in the holds of the people and enjoy tortillas, barbecue and other home-made products for the moment.
But among the peoples mentioned stresses the antiquity and solemnity of the acts, Bretocino. Here, before celebrating Mass the procession with the saint, but this year has not been possible because of rain has been falling throughout the day. The custom and tradition is that neighbors and strangers to accompany the saint to the outskirts of the village, where starting at the fields, not those in fallow (these will touch the following year.) There, San Marcos, through the priest blesses them.
On this occasion, and because of the rain (2007), the event was held at the church. After reading the biblical text (Gen. 1, 1-24), no lack of prayers, hymns or appropriate.
And from the same church blessing came, not only at the fields, trees and all plants, but their owners and growers, all present at the event.
Below is celebrated Mass in honor of the saint. The songs run by a group of seniors, accompanied by other participants, also higher. And, as I say, in Bretocino nearly 70 percent of the approximately 300 people are people and the elderly. But it is more and better live their party and want not to relax and regain the strength he had before.
The priest, in his homily, he reminded the saint and his Gospel, the shortest, but also the original. And among other things says ... "Today we could not or have had need to get the saint, but there you have the expected water. San Marcos has attended. Saved sprinklers, motors and hoses for a season. The water has come in time. But we must keep remembering him in our prayers. "
seems that once had more party, as well the population was larger. And there were plenty of musicians who accompanied them in the various events. And the procession was longer, even went on roads near the fields, beyond the village. And in the evening a dance was held ... and more outsiders come .... And there was more animation ...
This year the neighbors feel that their saint has not seen or brought closer to the Vega and other crops, as ever. But, nevertheless, have held the party, attending Mass and receiving his blessing. And then at home, it is also history and tradition that food is made with the family, and dessert, in any house miss the rice pudding. Simeon
Gago, a retired which, although not born in Bretocino, has lived in town 47 years, I consider the following: "The rice pudding is as old as the party. Before everyone had sheep, cows or goats, and this was an appropriate time for milk production. If anyone did not have animals, others the gifts on this day. The thing is that no house should be left to eat. And each had its rice, according to him, though, more or less, match the ingredients and how to prepare it. But there is always a final touch, which is usually different. "
Simeon knows well all that is needed for it, because they've seen it many times to his wife, who is a great cook. Ingredients: milk, rice, sugar, cinnamon and orange peel, and good hand. And to me that in one-liter glasses of milk every two you take a cup of rice and about half a kilo of sugar, although this depends on what you more or less sweet, because there are very greedy. It puts everything to cook with orange peel and let thicken, until it is ready.
Herein lies the whole mystery, Simeon repeats, but not forgetting the hand of the cook, who will handle the cooking time and rest. Typically
prepare the eve of the feast, rice is rested and fit better, but also could do the day of San Marcos. Today
continue to do so in every house, and although the town has not many sheep, goats or cows, they lack milk, and good, even bottled and properly treated.
The procession and Mass in San Marcos, the family meal and rice pudding sufficient ingredients Bretocino's neighbors do not forget this event and concluded that their ancestors and they want to continue to hold also in the future. And that is rooted traditions are hard to forget.
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