Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Benefits Of A Health And Life License

of retired Bernardino Ríos Hernández. Salamanca. Fiesta de San Marcos

Group carts or beam pair, made by Bernadino Ríos Hernández.

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also exposes plows and other equipment related to agriculture.

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truck and agricultural measures such as the bushel and the pastern.

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And to play the drum sticks.

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During the month of April you can see in Salamanca, in the post office in the neighborhood of the West, an exhibition of pieces or wooden objects miniature made by Bernardino Ríos Hernández, a native and resident of Boada, a small town in the province.
is a craftsman, also retired, of the many that exist in towns and cities of Castile and Leon. And though their occupation has not been associated with agriculture, it has seen and lived intensely how and with what means or instruments develops this work. Hence, we consider the sample pair carts, plows, yokes, trucks, agricultural measures, and various tools such as gari, pitchforks, forks, shovels, etc. There is also a crankshaft
, such as those formerly used to irrigate the gardens.
As a good observer, Bernardino shows even the smallest details in the clothing of their cars: on the beam and the boards, and in the wheel with its spokes, pineapples, iron hoops, etc. This very well known author and small and odd shaped pieces.
A good business idea Post Office betting in culture, facilitating local offices for artists and artisans, retired or not retired, to present their collections, as it has done Bernardino during the month of April in the neighborhood post office west of Salamanca .


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