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Via Crucis or the traditional way. Notebooks

Ms. Benilde was in charge of the prayer of the Via Crucis in Transmonte Hills.

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in Arcos de la Plovorosa is still praying the Stations of the Cross each Friday of Lent.


Twelfth station on the Via Crucis of Tera dse SITRAME.

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Tenth Quiruelas of Vidriales season.


Tenth fifth season (the Resurrection), the Via Crucis of Milles of gunpowder.

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stone Cruces Via Crucis, around the Church of Santa Maria dos Aguas (Orense)

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past the arrival of Lent meant some changes in life people not only from the gastronomic point of view, they were days of fasting and abstinence, at least some, (had to get or buy the bull of the crusade to prevent it), but especially in the religious aspect, there were many acts that took place and all they had and are living more or less intensely. Used to attend almost all the villagers and also participated in the prayers and hymns used.

One of these acts was the celebration of Via Crucis (Way of the Cross) or Calvary, as it was popularly: Come to Calvary, it is now Calvary Calvary here goes ... Even in many localities There is a street or square with this name or that of Las Cruces. Was precisely this: Groups of people traveled and travel within the churches or chapels, or in the streets, the road to Calvary, ie, stations that represent the moments leading to their suffering, that Jesus went before crucifixion. The station name responds only to the fact that they do this pious exercise is parked or stopped to meditate on the different scenes, represented by crosses and images of the Passion.

The word Calvary is about calvaria / bald (skull) and means or applying to the place where Christ suffered and was crucified. It says "Place of the Skull '(in Hebrew Golgotha \u200b\u200b, hill northwest of Jerusalem, outside the wall).

in the family use to go through an ordeal is going through a series of grief and adversity. The precedent for the Via Crucis dating from the early centuries of Christianity, then, the pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and made this pious exercise through the steps of the Via Dolorosa, an exercise that was provided and was rising from the peace given to the Church by Emperor Constantine in the fourth century.

Later, in the fourteenth century were the Franciscans who contributed most to expand and spread this devotion. What Christians do is remember precisely those moments that begin with his death sentence and end with the placement of his body in the tomb or the resurrection. Because the stations, although most of them have been taken from the Gospels, others, like the third, fourth, sixth, seventh and ninth have been added by the pious tradition of the Christian people. And the fifteen, referring to the Resurrection, which is usually added to the fourteen which is based on tradition. Particularly in the Via Crucis de Arcos and Miller have also Polvorosa this scene.

The order is:

1 .- Jesus is sentenced to death.

2 .- Sale to cross. 3 .-

falls for the first time.

4 .- He meets his Blessed Mother.

5 .- It helped carry the cross.

6 .- wiped Jesus' face.

7 .- falls a second time.

8 .- Consuela the pious women.

9 .- falls a third time. 10 .-

comes to Calvary.

11 .- It is nailed to the Cross.

12 .- Die on the Cross.

13 .- It is down from the Cross.

14 .- It is placed in the tomb.

Resurrection of Christ 15 .-

striking that, although at present the practice of the Cross is quite forgotten, but in churches, chapels and some are still preserved fourteen crosses numbered Roman numerals sometimes linked to tables that are displayed, painted or drawing or embossing, the various scenes of the Passion of Christ with the protagonists. The faithful and devotees of the Cross are from a cross or station to another, pausing a moment to think about the fact represented and pray or sing than usual.

Thus we have proved that they do on Fridays of Lent in Benavente (Church of San Juan), Santa Marta de Tera and Arcos de la Polvorvosa, among other peoples. The latter is a woman in charge of comment, pray and sing the song in question. The accompanying a group of devotees. However, Transmonte Hills, so do the Sundays of Lent at noon. And this is done to for many years, Mrs Benilde, who, with over 80 years, has a prodigious memory, allowing you to make a large and striking commentary on the station with the corresponding prayer.

But to not have crosses or pictures, so from a pew. In other towns celebrate the Via Crucis, more solemn, during one of the days of Easter, as in San Cristobal de EntreviƱas, Coombe de la Vega, etc. At the bottom processions are nothing to scenes reminiscent of the Via Crucis that time.

There are places that Calvary was done and made the streets or squares, having more striking the spot and more people participating in it, especially if it takes place during the Wednesday, Thursday or Good Friday. As testament to that still remain crosses the streets of some towns in the valleys of Benavente, which indicate the places where the procession passed or passes the Via Crucis: Milles of gunpowder, and Pueblica Navianos Valverde, bruising of Vidriales, etc. And especially Ayoo of Vidriales, where the day of Holy Judges are celebrating this religious practice, which is one of the most solemn and important events of this week.

The Via Crucis was introduced to the West by the Franciscans after his appointment in 1342 as custodians of the holy places, where it was customary to do so since the earliest days of Christianity, as stated above. And it spread rapidly throughout the Christian world. In the beginning was made from churches to the chapels or shrines that were ordinarily outside populations. Between the church and the chapel they placed the famous stone very typical cruise and more abundant in some regions of Spain and Galicia. Here you can also see in some places Via Crucis around the same church. One is the church sanctuary of Santa Marina dos Aguas in the province of Orense, in which, around, there are fourteen cruise for fourteen seasons.


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