Choir in the Chapel of Our Lady of the Tera Abraveses Encinas.
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mujedres Choir and the brass band performing in Los Jatas the feast of the Sacrament in Santibanez de Tera.

mujedres Choir and the brass band performing in Los Jatas the feast of the Sacrament in Santibanez de Tera.
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church choir Fuente Encalada.
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church choir Fuente Encalada.
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Under church choir Pozuelo de Vidriales, is the baptistery.
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Under church choir Pozuelo de Vidriales, is the baptistery.
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The church choir Abraveses of Tera.
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church also Vidriales Granucillo to have this stand in the choir. ------------------------------------------
writing about choirs I am not referring to all voices, but the part of the church songs intended for the clergy. Its location was changing over time and place, but ranges from the sanctuary, the center and the foot of the nave. It is often high at the foot of the nave.
This place or space exists in almost all churches and chapels of this and some other districts, like those of Abraveses Tera And Urz Brim. Y since he still often sing in parish choirs religious ceremonies, if there is the sexton and other persons accompanying him.
In some choruses are often the organ or harmonium for accompaniment, and sometimes, as in Granucillo of Santa Maria del Vidriales and Benavente Azogue preserves a high stand to put on it's books or sheet music songs needed. In convents and cathedrals used the lectern.
Valles de Benavente In almost all vocals are in the back of the nave and rather high, making it necessary to use the ladder to climb it. There are some exceptions such as in San Pedro de la Viña, Fuente Encalada and elsewhere, which are in the back, almost to the level of the church.
generally are made of wood and if there is Brick responds to new and recent construction as with the small choir of San Miguel del Esla. And almost all have balustrade. The railings, as a small strips that make up the baluster columns, help to avoid the drop from him.
Some are decorated with images in relief or as we see in Villanueva de Azoague, which is an ordeal. In other paintings are preserved with the decorated: SITRAME highlights of Tera, recently restored, and San Pedro de la Viña with striking paintings on the tables.
the chorus up, as well as those who will sing at Mass on Sundays or holidays, those who play a musical instrument. They do also the bands that hire at parties and play from there at certain times of the Mass (usually the national anthem after the consecration) or other religious ceremonies. And often up and still do in some villages the young men and older to attend from there to the various events and even participate in the singing.
Some choirs are abandoned and in clear wood decay process, if it is not a remedy. This is the case of Pozuelo de Vidriales, Lordemanos, shrine of the Virgen de las Encinas Abraveses Tera, etc. At present, although less used and more restricted, must remain in place and be restored as a part of the church, prior to their destruction or disappearance as has happened in some places.

church also Vidriales Granucillo to have this stand in the choir. ------------------------------------------
writing about choirs I am not referring to all voices, but the part of the church songs intended for the clergy. Its location was changing over time and place, but ranges from the sanctuary, the center and the foot of the nave. It is often high at the foot of the nave.
This place or space exists in almost all churches and chapels of this and some other districts, like those of Abraveses Tera And Urz Brim. Y since he still often sing in parish choirs religious ceremonies, if there is the sexton and other persons accompanying him.
In some choruses are often the organ or harmonium for accompaniment, and sometimes, as in Granucillo of Santa Maria del Vidriales and Benavente Azogue preserves a high stand to put on it's books or sheet music songs needed. In convents and cathedrals used the lectern.
Valles de Benavente In almost all vocals are in the back of the nave and rather high, making it necessary to use the ladder to climb it. There are some exceptions such as in San Pedro de la Viña, Fuente Encalada and elsewhere, which are in the back, almost to the level of the church.
generally are made of wood and if there is Brick responds to new and recent construction as with the small choir of San Miguel del Esla. And almost all have balustrade. The railings, as a small strips that make up the baluster columns, help to avoid the drop from him.
Some are decorated with images in relief or as we see in Villanueva de Azoague, which is an ordeal. In other paintings are preserved with the decorated: SITRAME highlights of Tera, recently restored, and San Pedro de la Viña with striking paintings on the tables.
the chorus up, as well as those who will sing at Mass on Sundays or holidays, those who play a musical instrument. They do also the bands that hire at parties and play from there at certain times of the Mass (usually the national anthem after the consecration) or other religious ceremonies. And often up and still do in some villages the young men and older to attend from there to the various events and even participate in the singing.
Some choirs are abandoned and in clear wood decay process, if it is not a remedy. This is the case of Pozuelo de Vidriales, Lordemanos, shrine of the Virgen de las Encinas Abraveses Tera, etc. At present, although less used and more restricted, must remain in place and be restored as a part of the church, prior to their destruction or disappearance as has happened in some places.
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