Ninth Station. Via Crucis in the church give Santa Marta de Tera.
bruising of Vidriales. Cross Via Crucis in a village street.
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Ayoo of Vidriales. Cross Via Crucis, near the window, in a village street.
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Monument former Easter in SITRAME of Tera.
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Painting one of the serge of Tera Abraveses Monument.

Cross in memory of a task formerly held Mozar of Valverde.
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Lent is called the liturgical season of preparation for Easter. The word comes from Latin Quadragesima (forty) and nothing else wants to tell us that the days of fasting of Jesus in their retreat into the wilderness: "Then Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And having fasted forty days and forty nights, he was hungry ... " (Matt. 4. 1-2).
During this time the Catholic Church provided the penitential aspect prevailed over others, and the desire to imitate Jesus in his fasting in the wilderness before beginning his passion. This fast, in principle, was to make one meal a day, afternoon, at sunset, then made three in the afternoon and end at noon. Until a decree of 1949 abolished the dietary restrictions.
The Second Vatican Council introduced a number of modifications to the connection, and since 1966, in Paul VI, the obligation of fasting and abstinence was only for Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
In this respect older people remember the Bulls of the Crusade ( Bulla) papal documents, which were acquired through paid and which were obtained privileges related to fasting and abstinence. Were different and various prices, and could be bought to be released from the General Law of the Church. Christians today act more freely and to your liking, because neither the church and legislation, or cares much about it.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, after completion of the Carnival or Carnestollendas ( tollere Carnem - remove the meat.) The most important religious event of the day was, once for most people, receive the ashes. The priest, at the end of Mass, the places on the face in women and men head while saying: "Memento homo / mulier, quia et in pulverem pulvis is reverteris. (Remember, man / woman, you are dust and to dust you will return).
also Days of Lent, prayers, sacrifices and misereres , and which were usually held in the missions and general confessions. Of the first memories are preserved as crosses in almost all the churches of the valleys. Regarding the general confessions and the situation is different and left to the will of the people.
One of the most frequent religious activities and is still done in some places, was Via Crucis (Way of the Cross), which was to go and remember, in the church or on the streets, the fourteen highlights and more suffering of Jesus before his death. It says 'walk the fourteen stations', as groups of people who do this park or stop at every one of them. Often represented by crosses with the scenes above, painted, sculpted or drawn in pictures, some of great value
Calvary Also called Via Crucis, a word related to "bald calvaria (skull), it refers to the location in which Christ suffered and died on the Cross: The 'Place of the Skull (in Hebrew, Golgotha). Calvary is applied, in familiar language, to those who have passed or pass for many ailments.
is true that there has been a big change, not only personal experiences but also in customs and religious traditions of those days. Both are complementary. Before the first days of Lent, or even before it was covered the altar and images of the churches with sheets or other fabrics and so were until Christ had risen. They still do in some locality ...
Moreover, in many villages in the valleys especially when going to start Holy Week the churches stood in what they called the monument. This is a wooden, iron and painted fabric (twill) with which they covered the altarpiece of the church or chapel and another in which there was always a small tent-shrine, which would receive the ciborium on Holy Thursday during the services. Fabrics or woods painted or decorated with images of biblical characters: apostles, evangelists, etc., Or different scenes of passion. In fact few people who remain. I have only seen parts of it in churches and SITRAME Abraveses Tera, as shown in the photographs.
Lent is not what it was, but the carnival that preceded it continue to be held with great revelry and debauchery. But then, earlier, of fasting and abstinence, like everything else, is taken very seriously is usually represented at this period and describe in the literature (so did the Archpriest of Hita), as an old woman, Mrs. Lent, loaded with food permitted by abstinence: sardines, trout, tuna, cod, etc. and seven legs, representing the seven weeks of it. Opposite her is Don Carnal their enemy and who holds a picturesque fight. In this struggle performs in many villages in some regions of Spain.
is true that less and the instruments and traditional customs, especially religious, to be held today during Lent, but not so with the Holy Week or Passion, which seem to concentrate all the activity. This Week processions and meetings, Via Crucis and misereres, darkness, and rattles tenebrarios of sacred and religious music concerts, fasting, abstinence and the Blessed candles, crosses streets and squares, and glories in the days and hallelujahs Easter. Fundamental and next week with Christmas, the two most important in the Christian liturgy.
Although much of the customs and religious traditions have disappeared or are not held, the language we remember them, and so will continue through the many sayings and expressions, created or designed by people who knew (and perhaps living) for use at certain times of life. And there are for all, whether believers or not, although the former are more familiar and the latter need more and better information and knowledge of sacred history. Of these expressions or sayings, some having to do with Lent, others more specifically with Easter and all are related to the celebration of this day.
Indeed, when someone says " has bull" for something, no doubt enjoying a privilege or favor, with the phrase "Christ for us became more " invite you to be patient to those who complain of difficulty, suffering and hardship, with the expressions: " be made Ecce Homo," mourn as a Magdalena be worse than Barabbas, Pilate, Herod go, in every family there is a Judas, Pilate washing his hands as , etc., we are remembering and applying to everyday life featuring facts about these characters. Nobody dislikes him apply the phrase "you're like a Cyrene", if you are aware of what has made this person, etc.. And with reference to Easter everybody knows "something happens Ramos Easter" or " mounting an Easter candle " when there is a stir and, everything, from " be happier than a lark " a term that encapsulates much of the content of this party after penance, fasting and abstinence of the previous days, at least once. And, indeed, the Easter holidays are good eating and drinking, not missing many sweets and other delicacies. Here's how, despite everything, traditions and customs are and will always be remembered by means of language and books that have been written down for the benefit of all.
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